Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Although I want to look good along with everyone else this summer, I think that the government should be allowed to regulate the amount of time I am tanning. The Government is looking out for our best interest and does not want anyone to have cancer and other problems if possible. I want to have healthy skin that fits my age, so I will always use sunscreen when outside for a long period of time and spend minimal time in the tanning bed if possible. I have seen many pictures of the different types of skin cancers and I do not want my skin to look like that. I now appreciate what the government is doing for me.

2 Billion Doallar Market

The tanning industry is a 2 billion dollar market that targets mainly sixteen to thirty year old women. Everyone tans because it is cheap and only takes a little of your time a day to look good. Depending on how long one wants to go tanning and the type of bed one uses, the prices flexuates anywhere from one dollar to over seven dollars
( Fig. 1). Skin damage is the true price of tanning though. The tanning industry not only is huge because of tanning itself, but a lot of the profit comes from the lotions; such as tinglers and bronzers that are suppose to help tan one faster.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Altrnatives To Tanning That Are Safe

There are some alternatives to tanning that are safe. One way to bronze is with sunless self-tanners. These are also known as tans in a bottle. They contain dihydroxyaetone which gradually stains the dead cells in ones skins outer layers. These types of fake bakes last from days to several weeks. There are many different types of self tanners. There are sprays, lotions and towelettes that are very easy to use. To gain a subtle tan use a moisturizer that contains a modest amount of fake tanner. These methods are very inexpensive. Due to recent improvements in these sunless products, demand for them has sky rocketed. Just because these products darken ones skin does not mean that they protect one from UV rays. Sunless tanning lotions come in light, medium, and dark tones. Some salons offer airbrush tanning. Airbrush tans may look more like a natural tan with more even results. Airbrush tanning is all natural and is cheap. They last for weeks and one can keep having it redone. Sunless tanning is safer than regular tanning but using those products and being out in the sun sometimes accentuates the damage done to the skin. Read the label and look for an active ingredient called DHA. DHA is used in these self tanners to help protect one from the suns natural rays and to prevent sun damage to the skin.

Understanding The Real Dangers Of Tanning

Most people do not understand the real dangers of tanning, whether it is indoor or outdoor. Tanning is hard on the skin and if one goes tanning enough it can age one pretty bad. So why does everyone continue doing it? People want to be tan year round and most people do not have time to tan everyday outside so they will just stop by a salon on the way home from work and tan real fast. It seems to give people the comfort of looking better instead of just being pale.


Some believe that tanning accelerators are helpful in speeding up the production of melanin. They say it takes eight to twelve minutes for melanin to start producing. By using an accelerator it is said to knock the time down to three to six minutes. There is no real proof that these do anything for oneself. Most of the time it is a moisturizer that helps with dry skin .

When Are Sun Rays Most Dangerous?

The sun’s rays are most dangerous between the hours of 10:00am and 4:00pm. During those hours one should take frequent breaks either indoor or in a shaded area. Another method for protecting oneself against the sun is to wear a hat with a brim and sunglasses that provide ultraviolet protection. Wearing proper clothing that covers a good amount of the skin is also a great idea for protection!

Problems Tanning Creates

Tanning creates many problems not just for us now but also for us in the future. Receiving at least five burns as a child severely increases ones risk of cancer at an older age. Since staying out of the sun is not really an option there are many things that one can do to help prevent sun damage. Sunscreens and sun blocks are the best methods for defense from the suns harmful rays. Wearing a sunscreen on a daily basis with at least and SPF of fifteen is a good idea because 80% of sun exposure is accidental. There are many forms of sunscreen such as lotions, sprays and wipes that are made to help create the best coverage. It is recommended to read the label to make sure the sunscreen or sun block that one is using protects from both UVA and UVB rays. These types of lotions are generally more effective anyways. Reapplying sunscreen after every couple of hours is essential for the best protection. When swimming or sweating make sure to apply every hour even though it might be water proof, because water attracts twice as many rays causing chances for more burns. Even though one does not feel or receive a burn, UVA rays can still be harming the skin.